Sensitivity is not only for hosts

To those who came to Europe or intend to move there, have you ever asked yourselves questions like this:

Have I ever shown a real interest in Europe and its peoples? Have I ever got informed about this continent’s tragic history of war and destruction? Have I ever considered that the aftereffects of such a history might still be living on in people and unconsciously shaping their fears and suspiciousness? Have I ever questioned the assumption that feeling no hunger automatically means being happy and without any sorrow or needs?

If you are a (former) refugee, how do you feel when you are drowning in fears and worries and your family at home does not want to hear any of this but just tells you again and again: “Oh, you are so lucky! You’ve made it to Europe!”

Have you ever tried to understand Europeans, who are in need of any kind or experience hardship and sorrows? How do you think they feel, when the reaction to their fears and trouble is a standardised comment like “You are lucky, you are in Europe. There is no reason to complain.”

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