hier stehen die Beiträge, die auf englisch veröffentlicht werden

A little world without bounderies

Hello, all of you. Today I will use the chance to write you about something personal, something that astonished me and something I want to thank you for. I am aware of the fact that my website is worked out in a rather unprofessional way and nearly unnoticed amongst those milliones of sites offered ...

Indifferent – but not forever

I would like to conclude this block of 8 consecutive days of sensitization about war and its effects on people with a little story of a war child. How indifferent can people become during hard times? Do not forget to appreciate that it is different today. Protect what our parents and (great-) grandparents ...

Traumatization swept under the carpet

Have you ever considered that not only the surviving victims of the Nazis were traumatized but also the local children whose fathers had died in war or during captivity, who had lost their homes in bomb attacks, who had seen blood, death and destruction, who had suffered from hunger and had been victims ...

Sensitivity is not only for hosts

To those who came to Europe or intend to move there, have you ever asked yourselves questions like this: Have I ever shown a real interest in Europe and its peoples? Have I ever got informed about this continent’s tragic history of war and destruction? Have I ever considered that the aftereffects ...

And the world is restored again?

When talk about the post-war-era comes up, many – particularly the Germans – spontaneously think of the “Economic Miracle”. However, there is of course more to it than a mere transition from the end of war to an economic miracle. In his book “Savage Continent – Europe in the Aftermath ...

How the heck could they cope with a situation like that?

Did you know, that 1944/45 (and on a smaller scale also afterwards) approx. 12 to 14 millions of people with German nationality or roots were forced out of their homes in Eastern Europe (partly German territory until then) and had to flee to a geographically reduced German territory? Most of them ...

Hidden from the eyes of the public

There was a time when I wrote down my war memories – just to throw them away. I wanted to get rid of all the terrible and forget it. Who should have been interested in it? (Translation of the original German version. Anonymous, * 1932, Germany) Why do war traumatised people think nobody would ...